Arista Residences
Client: Greystar
Partner: Weber Thompson
Location: Seattle, WA
Site Workshop is currently developing the design for Arista Residences, a mixed-use residential project located near University Village in Seattle. The site includes two five-story apartment buildings, each located over a one story retail and parking podium. Additional below-grade parking is also included. The landscape spaces are woven throughout the many vertical layers of the project with rooftop amenities, tiered plantings along the tower facade, right of way streetscape improvements, and landscape setbacks along the building frontage to create a welcoming threshold. The proximity to the Burke Gilman Trail (on NE 47th Street) allows for a direct, curbless connection to the extensive trail system. 24th Street NE becomes a quieter neighborhood street with two-story, residential rowhouses topped by more conventional apartment units. At ground level, porches connect these residential spaces to the sidewalk via bridges spanning lush planting areas. A portal, perforating the middle of the long block, creates an inviting space to relax and gather, while also improving circulation between the southern retail spaces and the northern residential units.