Proud to be a Washington native, Jim Keller enjoys each season the Pacific Northwest provides with equal enthusiasm- especially as the cold lowland rains and early nightfall bring deep winter snows to the Cascade range. Jim enjoys spending time with his family in the great outdoors, biking, skiing, beach-combing, walking the family dog and traveling. Jim graduated from Washington State University in 1994 with a degree in landscape architecture and has spent his entire career living and working in Seattle. Jim thrives on detail and the big idea. Translating big ideas into detailed solutions through brainstorming sessions with colleagues is a big reason Jim truly enjoys his career as a landscape architect.
Jim has been with Site Workshop since its inception and is engaged in all aspects of the Workshop, including forming client relationships and ensuring high standards for our work. Being actively engaged and focused on creativeness and quality are values deeply ingrained in his work.
Some of Jim's recent projects include Block 18 in Seattle's Denny Regrade, the Seattle Children's Building Hope expansion, and the Tivoli Fountain Renovation and the Helen Sommer's Building on the Washington Capitol Campus in Olympia.